Is waste water from the medical sector dangerous? This type of waste water contains many bacteria, viruses, and toxic substances that can affect the environment and human health. Therefore, if not properly and safely treated, medical waste water can cause environmental pollution and harm the health of the community.
In conjunction with today’s article, we invite you to join SGE in exploring medical waste water and how to address it.
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Find out about the origin of the medical waste liquid.
The origin of medical wastewater includes wastewater from hospitals outside of regular pollution such as the wastewater from hospital staff, patients, and patient family members. Additionally, there are floor cleaning water, drainage water from treatment areas, and rainwater that may be contaminated by chemicals used in diagnoses and treatments.
These chemicals include medicines, disinfectants, radioactive isotopes, testing rooms, and operating rooms. Hospital wastewater is highly dangerous as it contains various types of bacteria, pathogens causing diseases, worm eggs, viruses from blood, discharge, saliva, and excrement of patients.
>> Read more: xu ly nuoc thai y te
The significance of medical waste water treatment technology
Medical waste water treatment technology is one of the leading technologies in the treatment of medical waste water, contributing to the protection of the environment and human health.
The waste water from hospitals contains a large amount of disease-causing and antibiotic-resistant bacteria from the medical field, so if not treated thoroughly, the release of waste water into the environment will cause contamination to the ecological system, the land environment, the water environment, the air, and cause imbalances to the ecological system.
The medical waste water treatment technology provides a thorough treatment for medical waste water, helping to remove bacterial pollutants and reduce damage to the environment and human health.
Advantages brought by medical waste water treatment technology
Medical waste water treatment technology is widely used in many medical facilities and hospitals due to its excellent advantages. Firstly, the treatment of medical waste water and daily life activities is highly effective and meets the standards for medical waste water according to QCVN 28:2010/BTNMT.
Secondly, operating and management costs are very low, saving costs for the facilities. The medical waste water treatment technology can also be easily moved, making it convenient to rearrange or move to another place without having to dismantle or replace it.
When expanding the scale, increasing the capacity, additional modular units can be added without having to dismantle. The enclosed modules create a pleasant appearance and do not emit unpleasant odors to the surrounding area.
Finally, the installation area is very small and the system is submerged, saving space and not detracting from the surrounding area.
In conclusion, this is one of the leading technologies used to treat medical waste water. For more detailed information, businesses can get support and advice from our SGE team by contacting our hotline: 0909.997.365 for additional support.
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